'The quieter you become the more you are able to hear'
Welcome to Essential Touch for an unique massage & bodywork experience. We garanty high quality massages and therapies with deep respect for every person. Our vision is that Health and welbeing starts with a peaceful mind and open heart.

Essential Touch is a unique form of bodywork, inspired bij Esalen® Massage & Bodywork. It is wellknow for its long flowing strokes from head to toe with deep streches and bodywork on the table. An eclectic blend of techniques and principles from various western and eastern disciplines. Another important aspect of this therapy is the approach taken toward each client as a whole person, not as separate parts to be manipulated. The aim is usually to induce deep relaxation, integrate mind and body, and enhance total body awareness.
We offer
Essential Touch Bodywork 1h 45 min - 105 euro
Massage & Bodywork
A intuitive journey to the self often discribed as a moving meditation.
A unique blend of different techniques and principles including Swedish massage, sensory awareness training, craniosacral therapy, applied kinesiology, yoga, tai chi mixed together with aromatherapy and soundtherapy.
Essential Touch Massage 60 min/90 min 65-90 euro's
This treatment is a shorter version and focus more on the massage experience.
The Art of Essential Touch
Vincent Ahoinai
With more than 15 years experience and thousands of bodyworksessions, Vincent is an expert in his field . He is a certified Esalen® Massage & Bodywork Practicioner and was 7 years senior Therapist and trainer in Bali's best Spa Jari Menari. He is wellknown for his "dancing hands and streches"on the table. Since 2005 Vincent is part of Moving Ventures, founded by Ellen Watson, world trainer and known for her disciple "Touching Essence."
Since 2016 he lives in the Netherlands with his wife and travels international to offer trainings for bodyworkers and massageteams. He has his own practice nearby The Hague.